Tonight we sit down to talk about our May game of the month…  Wolfenstein Enemy Territory.  This was Kodra’s pick but in truth Belghast also has been a huge fan of this game since playing through it at release.  We talk about how this game operates on two different levels for two slightly different audiences.  We also attempt to dive into some of the symbolism and subtleties lying just beneath the surface.

Direct download: aggrochat_episode158.mp3
Category:gaming -- posted at: 9:49am EDT

Last week we screwed up a bit in that we completely missed a topic.  Kodra has been drafting an awful lot of Amonkhet via Magic Online, so this week we talk at length about that.  We also talk at length about Destiny and the Destiny 2 gameplay reveal information.  Belghast talks about his feels and how much he loves the game, and Tamrielo provides the dissenting view of how hard he bounced off of it and how he wanted more than gunplay and occasional space magic.  Regardless we all seem to have a certain measure of hope about the Destiny 2 launch.  We talk a bit about Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and the slightly increased availability of the Nintendo Switch.  Finally we discuss Fire Emblem and Disgaea and the weird world that they are.

Topics Discussed: Magic the Gathering, Magic Online, Drafting Amonkhet, The Game Room, Destiny, Destiny 2, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Nintendo Switch, Fire Emblem, Disgaea

Direct download: aggrochat_episode157.mp3
Category:gaming -- posted at: 9:24am EDT

Since this will be releasing on Mother's Day, the crew wants to wish all of the mothers that listen to the podcast a very happy one.  After a few slim weeks we once again had the full crew, which is always something to be celebrated.  I find it funny how when we have what feels like a limited amount of things to talk about, it also seems like we delve into some of the more interesting discussions.  The shows title this time comes from a game breaking bug that was introduced recently in Stellaris.  We talk a bit about Bel’s experiences starting Knights of the Fallen Empire, and this leads into an interesting talk about our thoughts regarding sequels and whether or not we want the previous cast of characters to continue.  We also talk about concerns regarding the Diablo 3 Necromancer expansion, and that ultimately leads to some discussion about Destiny 2 and the currently lack of a PC pre-order option.

Topics Discussed:  Stellaris - Knights of the Fallen Empire - Star Wars Galaxies - Sequels and Continuing with Characters - Replayability - Fallen London - Infinity - Diablo 3 - Playing Catch up in WoW - Diablo 3 Necromancer Expansion - Destiny 2

Direct download: aggrochat_episode156.mp3
Category:gaming -- posted at: 7:33am EDT

This week we dig more into Horizon Zero Dawn… or as it was called early in the show Aloy’s Adventures in Men Are Terrible Land.  Tam is nearing the end of the game, and Belghast and Kodra have made it a bit further… or at least enough to be able to talk about some of the things going on in the game.  Bel has fallen into a rather large Star Wars the Old Republic shaped hole and talks about his experiences with the new systems… and insane experience boost.  Grace has been playing a lot of World of Warcraft and we talk about how playing that game when you really don’t care about progression can be an extremely relaxing time.  Bel talks a little bit about Prey, or the game where you bash things with a wrench just in case they are a mimic.  Kodra has been doing some drafting of the new Amonkhet set in Magic the Gathering Online.  Finally we get into a discussion about our recent foray into Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.

Direct download: aggrochat_episode155.mp3
Category:gaming -- posted at: 9:37am EDT