This week we talk about the seventh AggroChat Game Club game, and this month the pick went to Grace.  She chose Hatoful Boyfriend and I think several of us thought this would not be a game we would enjoy at all.  We were mostly wrong as the vast majority of us had lots of good things to say about the game.  To make it even crazier this is the first game that the majority of us have actually played through more than one...  but given that an individual play session tends to only be around the hour long mark that makes sense.  Join us as we talk about all things Birb, and the happenings at Saint Pidgeonations school.

Direct download: aggrochat_episode72b.mp3
Category:gaming -- posted at: 1:49am EDT

For awhile now the AggroChat crew has deliberately put off talking about the events of Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward in an attempt to allow folks to catch up on the content.  However this week the gloves are coming off and we are dipping into a full spoiler episode where we hash out the events that have occured since the 2.55 patch show.  We trace the steps of our characters from setting foot into Ishgard to the final conflict of the expansion, with as much details as we can think about in between.  This is a roughly two hour long show because of the truly large amount of content to go over.  We considered chopping this into two halves, but figured we would release it uncut.  We talk about our favorite characters, our most emotional moments and what we are looking forward to with future content patches.

Direct download: aggrochat_episode71.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:49am EDT

This week we are joined by Ashgar, Belghast, Grace, Tam and Thalen, with Kodra having to deal with some family stuff.  I was not certain how much we would have to talk about, but like always we managed to fill a show full of all sorts of games that we had been playing.  Thalen starts it off talking about his further adventures into the Magic Duels free to play game.  Similarly with the launch of Fallout Shelter for android he has started playing that as well.  Finally he talks about the recent Fantastic Four event in Marvel Heroes and how The Thing is the tankiest of tanks.  Tam spent the day at an Infinity Tournament and talks about just how awesome the Seattle minature gaming scene has been.


Grace talks about her recent swap to spending most of her time in Wildstar and the excitement surrounding the impending free to play drop that is now on the public test server.  Additionally she talks about her recent foray into the PVP system, and how generally cool the community seems to be surrounding it.  While board games are normally the territory of Kodra, Grace mentions the Exploding Kittens card game and how much fun she has had with it since receiving it.  Ashgar has followed in Tam’s footsteps and talks about his experiences playing Sword Art Online Hollow Fragment.  Ash has also started on a brand new playthrough of Mass Effect with the intent of carrying one save game from one all the way through three.  This of course spawns a conversation where we talk about our experiences with the Mass Effect series.  

Finally I talk about my recent return to Rift, and my obsessions with Hellgate London.  Additionally we talk about next weeks show, where we plan on talking about the storyline of the Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward expansion.  We have purposefully kept discussion of plot points to a minimum, but we feel it is generally safe enough to start talking about where we think the game is going.  We are announcing this ahead of time for the purpose of letting our listeners and readers join in the fun.  Do you have any interesting theories or are there parts of the story that you didn’t quite grasp?  We are taking in questions via email for this coming show, and we will go over them on the air.  I should be a lot of fun and it is our first real attempt to do something like this.

Direct download: aggrochat_episode70.mp3
Category:gaming -- posted at: 1:27am EDT

Last night we had the whole gang back of Ashgar, Belghast, Grace, Kodra, Tam and Thalen.  Kodra fresh back from Gencon had many tales to tell of his proclivity for LARPing and his further descent into the Magic the Gathering Origins base set.  He has now purchased a box, but instead of opening in one sitting he has decided to do something extremely cool with it, turning it into a series of mini draft for him and some of his Seatle area friends.  Grace continues to spend time in Wildstar and in an effort to try and catch up Belghast has spent some time leveling there.  There was a discussion of the various points that people stall out in that game when they outlevel their quest content.  Grace also managed to play through Hatoful Boyfriend enough times to see every possible ending...  and is amped about our impending AggroChat show.

For Tam and Ashgar this was a very Sword Art Online week, with Ashgar watching through the entirity of season one so that he can join Tam in playing Hollow Fragment on the PS4.  Thalen rekindled his own Magic the Gathering roots as he began playing the brand new free to play Magic Duels. Additionally there is a new event happening in Marvel Heroes where bonus experience is given to playing the Fantastic Four which spawns a conversation about the hero teams we liked growing up.  Bel talks about his Bel's Big Adventure Minecraft series and the quirks of playing Minecraft with a singlular purpose, and his adventures on the Everquest II Time Locked server.  Finally we talk the elephant in the room... the World of Warcraft Legion expansion announcement from GamesCom.  It was a lengthy discussion dense show, and hopefully you will all enjoy it.

Direct download: aggrochat_episode69.mp3
Category:gaming -- posted at: 9:16am EDT

Tonight we have Belghast, Ashgar, Thalen, Grace and Tam with Kodra having fun without the rest of us in GenCon.  Once again we return to the standard format of the show talking about the games we have been playing over the last week.  As always the bulk of us have been spending time in Final Fantasy XIV juggling leveling, the Law and Esoteric grind, and Alexander.  Ashgar managed to get his Paladin and Belghast his Dragoon to 60, giving them both a DPS and Tank at max level.  Grace has been focused on trying to play catch up on her relic weapon and is now in the midst of the nexus light grind.

In non FFXIV news Ashgar spent the week working on yet another play through of Final Fantasy V for the Four Job Fiesta.  Thalen spent time delving back into Kingdom Hearts getting the bug to replay it after seeing all the recent buzz surrounding Kingdom Hearts III.  Grace is using Blaugust as a good reason to write some Wildstar blogs, focusing on a guide to the Veteran Shiphand missions as a start.  Tam has been moving deeper into Anime and spent a good chunk of the week watching various shows, and also started playing the remastered Sword Art Online game on the Playstation 4.  Belghast talks a bit about the current state of Skyforge, and his journey into StormHold the time locked Everquest II server.  Bel also talks about his recent binge of Netflix watching including Sense8 and Bojack Horseman.

Finally we get on a discussion where the title comes from, talking about how each of us goes through phases where we need to extract ourselves from the world and how it helps so much to have supportive friends that understand when you are going through one of these phases.

Direct download: aggrochat_episode68.mp3
Category:gaming -- posted at: 12:35am EDT