This evening we held the third episode of the AggroChat Game Club where we talk about my pick the early access rogue-like Darkest Dungeon.  I personally chose this game because so many of my friends had been talking about it, and purposefully delayed playing it in the thoughts of this eventually becoming an AggroChat title.  The result is that each of us played the game slightly different, and walked away with a very different perspective and feeling about the game.  Some of us loved it, but even among those that loved it...  we brought with it a completely different outlook and as such a different reaction.  Of course some of us absolutely hated the game, enough to actually Alt-F4 out of the window.  

The end result however is what I feel like our most successful game club title to date, because it certainly spurred on some conversation.  Next months title is announced towards the end of the broadcast and I am sure it will be an equally interesting discussion.

Direct download: aggrochat_episode54.mp3
Category:gaming -- posted at: 12:16am EDT

This week we are without Tamrielo and Rae for various reasons, but joining us once again are the ever amazing Grace and Thalen.  For awhile I thought we would be missing Kodra, but he shows amazing determination and podcasted anyways.  This is the week that he moved across country from Atlanta area to Seatle, and thanks to the magic of living in the same appartment complex as Tam, was able to "borrow a cup of internet" and a chair and pretty much everything else needed to make the podcast function.  This weeks episode is called "Get Hyped" because we spend a lot of time getting hyped about various things we are excited about.  

During the course of the episode we talk about so many board games in the wake of International Tabletop Day.  This discussion managed to make a very sleeply Kodra u enough to continue podcasting.  We also talk about how amazing the new Netflix Original Daredevil series is.  We talk about the Star Wars The Force Awakens trailer that was released, and cannot get through a single podcast without talking about the new tidbits of information floating about regarding the Heavensward expansion that is looming ever closer.  I talk about the new Wildstar promotion asking players to buy up "dead stock" and get rewarded heavily for it.  Some see it as an act of desperation but personally I see it as an act of sheer genius.  I also go on at length about how great the new Wardrobe system is in Rift.  It was a super fun podcast to record, and as such we ran fairly late.

Direct download: aggrochat_episode53.mp3
Category:gaming -- posted at: 10:01am EDT

Since August 2013 Final Fantasy XIV has been a fairly significant part of our lives.  While we had a break in there, we have been in place for at least the last eight months soaking up every ounce of content that Square Enix can throw at us.  Throughout this game the story of the game has been a constant topic of conversation among the aggrochat crew and friends.  Each time a new tidbit of story was released it would start rampant speculation as to where the story might be going.  As we made our way through the current patches content, I think it is safe to say that none of us could have guessed how this would have ended.

As the credits rolled on the conclusion of the 2.0 storyline... the first reaction is that you absolutey have to talk to someone about it.  This week we do a complete no holds barred spoiler filled romp through the Final Fantasy XIV storyline to date, talking about its conclusion and some of the elements from previous patches that might play into the future of the Heavensward expansion.  If you have not reached the climax of this story arc, then I highly suggest you file this show away and return to it later.  During most shows we try really hard not to directly spoil any content, and we will be returning to that next week.  This week...  we need to get this out of our systems, and if you have finished the storyline, chances are you do too.

Direct download: aggrochat_episode52.mp3
Category:gaming -- posted at: 2:12am EDT

Tonight we have a bit of an unusual show considering that for the majority of the week we thought this was going to be the Bel and Ash show.  Kodra is prepping for his move to Seattle and as such flew out this weekend to look at housing options.  Tam is playing host which took them both out of the equation.  Rae on the other hand is travelling and visiting friends over the extended weekend.  Thankfully our long time friend and poster Thalen was willing to step in and offer his services.  Tonight we talk about a whole slew of topics ranging from epic dungeons and dragons sessions, to the lengths we have gone to in order to get just the right outfit in a game we are playing.

Some of the games we touched upon:  World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV, Axiom Verge, Darkest Dungeon, Shin Megami Tensei IV as well as covering some of our favorite April Fools Day jokes from the past week.  Hopefully the show is as enjoyable to listen to as it was to record.

Direct download: aggrochat_episode51.mp3
Category:gaming -- posted at: 1:58am EDT