Tonight we talk about a bunch of differing topics… that sorta blend together into a mix of ideas.  We start off with some discussion of Thanksgiving Leftover abominations. From here Belghast talks a bit about his experiences with extremely Hardcore players on mobile phone games.  This sorta leads its way into discussions of MMO Design problems, which itself leads to talking about the FFXIV Shadowbringers expansion announcement. We discuss the problems with the Blue Mage and how the Limited Class construct is probably not the right way to do it.  This leads eventually into a discussion of the shenanigans that Tam and Kodra and crew have been up to in Fallout 76.

Topics Discussed:

  • Thanksgiving Leftover Abominations
  • Hardcore Mobile Players
  • MMO Design Problems
  • Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringer
  • Blue Mage Limited Job
  • Fallout 76
Direct download: aggrochat_episode229.mp3
Category:gaming -- posted at: 10:14am EDT