We realized that it had been a really really long time since we've had a normal show.  With the holidays and a handful of theme shows...  it has been amazing to have all of these special guests hanging out with us, but it had been far too long since we just did a normal "games we are playing" type show.  This week also is the return of our normal lineup of Ash, Bel, Grace, Kodra, Tam and Thalen.  Tonight we talk about....

  • Magic: The Gathering - Oath of the Gatewatch
  • Diablo 3 - Season Five Launch
  • Warframe - Co-Op Space Ninjas
  • Undertale - a few more start playing
  • Victor Vran - Secrets and Objectives Diablo-like
  • Kingdom - Combat without fine control

Next week we will begin our "Games of Last Year" show where we finally get around to talking about the games we though were our favorites from 2015.

Direct download: aggrochat_episode91.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:39am EDT