Tonight we have a packed show full of topics to discuss because as we hurdle towards the holiday season… a bunch of stuff is happening.  First up we talk about Super Smash Bros Ultimate and the inclusion of the World of Light single player system. From there with similar Nintendo topics we talk a bit about the Diablo 3 Switch release and just how good it feels.  Chaining off that we get into a discussion about Blizzcon 2018 and the announcement that the community was not prepared for… Diablo Immortal. We try and break this down a little bit, talk about the positives of it, and explain why the community as a whole freaked the hell out in a very toxic and dangerous manner.  

Admittedly somewhere along in here we jump around through a bunch of topics but eventually settle into a discussion of World of Warcraft Classic and all of the things Bel quite honestly didn’t remember from playing on a retro client.  Saturday afternoon Bel, Tam and Kodra spent a few hours roaming around in Fallout 76, so there is some talk about how much they are now looking forward to the release. Finally we wrap up with a brief discussion of Deltarune, which honestly happened in a few places during the show…  but will likely be reprised next week.

Topics Discussed:

  • Super Smash Bros Ultimate
    • World of Light
  • Diablo 3 Switch
  • Blizzcon 2018
    • Diablo Immortal
  • World of Warcraft Classic
  • Fallout 76
  • Deltarune
Direct download: aggrochat_episode226.mp3
Category:gaming -- posted at: 10:12am EDT